It was with great anticipation and a sense of pending accomplishment that I entered Coleman Library yesterday during my afternoon break between classes. I chose a relatively quiet corner on the second floor and commenced to unload all the necessities of a successful student -- laptop, textbooks, paper, pen -- you get the idea. I was excited to find a nearby power outlet so I plugged my laptop in and began to boot-her-up. I followed the procedure necessary to pick up the building's unseen wireless signal and after a short delay I was able to get a weak signal. Off to the WWW via Internet Explorer, then the dreaded message that informed me that FAMU required me to enter my email address and password. OK obligingly I click, click, click --- I entered what I thought was my email address and password. It had to be the same username and password that I used for my other FAMU account, after all, that was how they did it at the other college.
I figure you have guessed by now, it didn't work as I anticipated. OK no problem, I started to look for the number for the campus IT hotline and remember from prior experience, that they do not answer their calls. I thought, "Maybe if I ask at the reference desk, I can be directed to a warm body that can help me." I am directed to a room located several buildings away, where I was surprised to find a line of people just like me, with the same problem -- no access to their email accounts. I signed in, filled out a request slip and patiently waited.
Enter the Dungeon Dwellers -- those curious IT people who work in windowless environments and prefer virtual companionship somewhere in cyberspace and the touch of a keyboard, than real flesh and blood. You know the type! These are the individuals who are disgusted at the fact that you are too inept to fix your own IT problem, and they are absolutely appalled at the fact that they will have to fix it for you; even though a) it was not your fault to start with and b) they are getting paid to solve your problem. Needless-to-say, after much to-do about nothing, I get my issue resolved, rather quickly I must mention and returned to the library.
Once back in the library, I started the process of preparing my nest again and began the log in process. Finally, I had success! I accomplished a few things and then I had to log into my FAMU campus account. AGAIN PROBLEMS!!! I started out again to visit the Dungeon Dwellers. Fortunately I made it there and had my issue resolved, just before the Dungeon Dwellers closed up shop and go to wherever Dungeon Dwellers go for the night.
By now I was totally exhausted, and I had a 5:30 p.m. class clear across campus. What a long day of walking over hill and dale, I was exhausted and it took all of me to get to my class. Makes me wonder how them twenty-somethings, walk around campus, all day in those 5 inch stilettoes...
He He He RoseAnna "Dungeon Dwellers" I know just the type you mean and there is at least one everywhere you have to conduct business....yeah, we were 20 once on those tall shoes remember, now we are 50 and stuck in New Balances!!!!
It's me Linda...I've got a Google account somewhere *wonders about name/passwd :-0
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