I have spent much of the past several weeks adjusting to the rigors of balancing study with work and home duties. For some reason this semester seems more strenuous physically than the previous semester. I know that I do more up hill walking and carrying of books than I ever did before, but nothing I think, that should make me ache so much. It seems unbelievable, I can't be that out of shape! I have aches that I didn't know I could have. Shoulders, knuckles, knees -- you name it, I have an ache there.
Recently I started to get a pain in the arch of my left foot. Each day, around about midday I would get the pain and as the day progressed it would get worse. All my efforts to wear flat "sensible" shoes seemed to be to no avail, because at the end of most days I would be limping. Watching my fellow classmates strutting around campus in their 4 and 5 inch heels was not helping me feel any better either. "Ahh... to be young again," I would say to myself. I was also hobbling around thinking how was I going to go to the doctor with no insurance or available cash. The pain and my whirlwind of thoughts were really getting to me until... I solved my own problem.
Last week Monday, I was getting dressed for school and work and realized that I needed to dress up a little, because I had a meeting to attend later in the day. Nothing formal, just something a little nicer than my usual campus/work attire and perhaps -- a shoe with a heel. Yes you guessed it! By wearing a shoe, with a moderate heel (no stilettos here), I did not experience the pain in my foot. I have been wearing heels since and no pain. Does this mean that I have to concede that those twentysomethings know something after all? ... NO NEVER!
A look into the struggles, experiences, and most of all the ensuing thoughts of a non-traditional college student. Perhaps these ramblings will inspire others to forge on and accomplish their dreams.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Life is Good?
It has been sometime since I have shared my thoughts and experiences. In fact the very reason I have this blog has prevented me from posting --- school. Since last I shared, I have had quizzes, oral presentations, papers to write and lots of general study. It seems that between this and going to work I have had little time for anything else. The irony of it all is that it is 4:17 a.m. and I need to sleep and I can't!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Life's Demands
School and work are catching up with me! Yesterday was my long day at school, with 3 daytime classes back-to-back and one evening class. Coupled with that, I went to work on my break, rather than the library which is my normal routine. I had to fit work in somewhere because Monday was a holiday and I needed to make up hours as well as catch up on paper work. So in an effort to catch up at work, I lost time that I normally spend doing homework. Thus I have to finish a paper and a presentation tonight before tomorrow's English classes. Thank goodness I don't mind writing and talking :). Still today is going to be busy, with an oral test in French class this morning and then work until 5:30 p.m. Guess I will have to pull a late nighter...
A tout a l'heure!
A tout a l'heure!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Books have always been my solace. As a child, during difficult times I could always find escape and answers to my wanderings hidden in their pages. I found today that time and distance changes little in that regard. For an Advanced Composition reading assignment, I spent most of the day reading "Song of Solomon", by Tony Morrison. There in, I found the summation of a family relationship I had until this time been unable to put into words...
"Well, the man saw this baby snake bleeding and hurt. Lying there in the dirt. And the man felt sorry for it and picked it up and put it in his basket and took it home. And he fed it and took care of it till it was big and strong. Fed it the same thing he ate. Then one day, the snake turned on him and bit him. Stuck his poison tongue right in the man's heart. ... He asked [the snake], 'What'd you do that for?' He said, 'Didn't I take good care of you? Didn't I save your life?'... Know what the snake said? Said, 'But you knew I was a snake, didn't you?'
"Well, the man saw this baby snake bleeding and hurt. Lying there in the dirt. And the man felt sorry for it and picked it up and put it in his basket and took it home. And he fed it and took care of it till it was big and strong. Fed it the same thing he ate. Then one day, the snake turned on him and bit him. Stuck his poison tongue right in the man's heart. ... He asked [the snake], 'What'd you do that for?' He said, 'Didn't I take good care of you? Didn't I save your life?'... Know what the snake said? Said, 'But you knew I was a snake, didn't you?'
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Age is Just a Number
"Quel age avez vous?" I knew it would come one day and I was prepared. I had anticipated that my fellow class mates, in French class, would be shocked to find out my age. In fact, no one batted an eye, there were no gasps, or exclamations and I was glad. It is not that I am embarrassed about my age and the fact that I am still a college student, quite to the contrary, I am quite proud to be the age that I am, competing academically with others half my age. I am pleased that at my age, I have received 2 scholarships in one year and made the Dean's List to boot.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My Routine

Since my last post, I have begun working again as an assistant instructor in the Adult Education Department at Tallahassee Community College. I love the collegiate enviornment and most of all I enjoy working with adults, who have made the life changing decision to work towards obtaining their high school diplomas and then go on to further education. Now, by working 20 hrs. a week and taking a full course load of 17 hrs., while balancing my duties as a wife and mother, I have to manage every moment of my day. No matter, I love the routine of my life.
Pictured: A glimpse of FAMU's campus - focusing on the many hills, dales and steps that I whined about in earlier posts -- I've gotten use to them now. I look at the trecking as my exercise/weight loss regimen, that I don't have time for anywhere else in the day ;).
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