Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Life's Demands

School and work are catching up with me! Yesterday was my long day at school, with 3 daytime classes back-to-back and one evening class. Coupled with that, I went to work on my break, rather than the library which is my normal routine. I had to fit work in somewhere because Monday was a holiday and I needed to make up hours as well as catch up on paper work. So in an effort to catch up at work, I lost time that I normally spend doing homework. Thus I have to finish a paper and a presentation tonight before tomorrow's English classes. Thank goodness I don't mind writing and talking :). Still today is going to be busy, with an oral test in French class this morning and then work until 5:30 p.m. Guess I will have to pull a late nighter...

A tout a l'heure!

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