Saturday, July 16, 2011

Updates in brief

As in my previous hiatuuses between posts much has happend. Most importantly, I successfully completed my undergraduate career and graduated summa cum laude. Yay! Secondly, I was accepted into the September cohort entering the Master of Teaching program at the University of Southern California. This is an online program. Therefore, it will not require my moving - trading sunny Florida for sunny Cali.

So far, job prospects are not as bright. I have filled out several applications for various teaching/tutoring jobs, and so far have had only one interview. I am still waiting to hear the results of that. Welcome to the real world! Somehow, I thought that finding a job would be a lot easier after obtaining a bachelor's degree, given I always seemed to quickly obtain interviews and jobs in the past. Hubby continues to be encouraging and constantly reminds me that my path is divinely mapped - what is for me will be mine, at the appropriate time.

On another note, our family has been preparing for the birth of our fourth grandchild - my first biological grandchild. I'm sure upon her arrival I will have a lot to post. :)

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