Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Little Becomes Big

Fifteen years ago, or maybe just a little less, was the last time I spoke with him. No he wasn't someone I saw regularly -- an ocean determined that. Nor was he someone that I could say that I shared specific memories with -- I've always been envious of those who could recall with vivid detail moments they shared with family. That's why I was surprised at the overwhelming grief that I felt when I found out he had died. Perhaps it was because he always greeted me with that sunny smile accompanied with that cool, "Hey Cuz." It never appeared he had a care in the world, even though I heard through casual, family gossip that he did. He just had a way of greeting you, as if you had been the last pleasant thought on his mind. Unconditional caring is what I saw. Rest in peace Sammy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG hon I am so very sorry for your loss *hugz*