Monday, March 14, 2011

Thanks Ben Franklin

Daylight Saving Time or DST officially began this year at 2:00 a.m., this past Sunday. All the yawns around me attest to the fact that most of us have not gotten use to the time change yet and probably won't until a few weeks from now.

Personally I enjoy DST; I just don't like the "spring forward" and the "fall back." In my opinion, we should just leave the clocks set an hour ahead and never turn back. It's the backward and forward notion of time that gets to me. As one who wakes at the same time each morning, just before the alarm, my internal clock goes out of wack twice each year.

Thanks, Ben Franklin, for providing more enjoyable daylight hours each evening and screwing up my internal clock with the transition of an hour.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Boomers: Is 50 the New 30?

The following article and other incidences have got me thinking. My perspective on the matter of age comes purely from where I stand - squarely in the over-50 group. I agree, 50 is the new 30. As a person who exercises each day and eats sensibly, I feel great and I am able to take on all the challenges set before me. In fact, I can even, figuritively and literally, run circles around a lot of individuals half my age. That however does not mean that ageism is not alive and well. I use to think that a degree, along with many years of experience, would put me in demand by employers. Unforturnately, vast years of experience and paper does not seem to matter. Age is the all encompassing factor.

With so many people living longer and healthier lives, Western society must begin to re-evaluate the place they assign to those over 50. Unlike many Eastern cultures who look to the elders as fountains of wisdom and anchors in society, Western culture tends to do just the opposite by limiting the contribution of the older generation.

Boomers, Is 50 the New 30?

Sunday, March 6, 2011