Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm Back!!!

It's been over a year since I abandoned this blog. Perhaps "abandoned" is not the correct word. Let's say the issues of life, including grad school, have usurped my time. I'm happy to say, at this juncture, I am now entering my last semester in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program with the University of Southern California. Additionally, I have a new granddaughter who is now 17 months-old. This little darling (aka the busybody) has occupied the majority of my time for the past year because my daughter, her mom, has been on deployment in Afghanistan. Hubby and I have been her caregivers. By the way, if there are any typos in this post, let's blame her. She is presently in my lap insisting she "help" me type. Finally, last semester I started teaching developmental writing at a local community college. It was a wonderful opportunity, and I look forward to continuing this semester.


Sandy said...


First of all congratulations on completing your undergrad degree and pursing a master degree program! Secondly, how wonderful to be the caregiver for your granddaughter while your daughter is serving our country.

So glad I stumbled upon your blog. I hope you can find the time to write more and keep posting! Also, congrats on changing your eating habits and losing weight.

I'm at a crossroads in my life. I recently retired from a large university after working there for 18 years in various positions. One of my long time goals was to be able to finish my bachelor degree. My education was interrupted many times over the year but I always maintained the goal to finally finish. I have a very hungry mind and will always be opening to learning and growing.

I would love to hear how you kept yourself organized. Did you also work a job while you pursued your education? Are you naturally good with time management? How did you stay focused? Please write more when you can. There are probably lots of senior students that would be inspired by hearing your journey. I'm following along in the hopes that you will write more.

By the way, you might want to turn off the work verification. You'll get more comments because people give up after trying to type the code too many times.

Best wishes, Sandy

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo sorry I didn't know about this blog because your life parallels my own. I lost a job and ended a relationship in 2008 and returned to college at the age of 51. I am graduating this Saturday after three years and with honors. As you know it wasn't easy but definitely worth it. I am also starting grad school in the fall at the age of 54. I hope you continue your blog because I'd appreciate following your journey as I pursue my own.